CatalystCreativ Coffee Chats

Whether you've been a regular attendee, are just finding out about these sessions, or fall somewhere in between, we'll be compiling all of the session recordings and recaps on this page. Each session includes a Q&A, but if we didn't answer a question you had, you can always reach out to us directly at Check back here after each weekly Wednesday Coffee Chat to revisit or review what we've discussed!

March 18—Remote Work

Our first ever Catalyst Coffee Chat was all about remote work. Our team has worked from home since we started as a company over seven years ago—this conversation was all about sharing what we've learned works—and doesn't—from our personal experience.

March 25—Employee Engagement

Continuing on the topic of remote work, our second installment of the series waded into the waters of employee engagement, and how to keep your company connected when the conventional methods of doing so aren't feasible.

April 1—Operations and Finance

With the world facing incredible uncertainty, and many businesses scrambling to come to terms with new, ever-evolving realities, it's essential right now to ensure the operations and finance sides of your organization are up to the task. Members of our team were joined by Anthony Rosen, CFO of Propeller Industries, where he helps startups become profitable.

April 8—Looking Inward with IN-Q

We were joined by spoken word artist, author, and songwriter IN-Q, for an inspiring conversation about ways we can all stay connected, appreciative, and resilient in the face of a global crisis. Plus, IN-Q performed his poem "Home," fielded some questions on topics like combatting loneliness when living alone in quarantine.

April 15—Startup Adaptability with Speakfully

Sure, there's a lot to be said about already being an established organization during times like these, but even the most solid company can learn a lot from how startups are able to nimbly adapt to the changes brought about by a global pandemic that changes everything. We spoke with the team from Speakfully about how their young team is pivoting and growing in spite of everything.

April 22—The Future of Events

We were joined by David and Zach from Voray for a candid conversation about what events—and the events industry—might look like going forward. The future is looking digital, and even if you aren't an industry pro, chances are your life will be impacted as a person who attends any sort of large public gathering! Listen in to hear what might be in store.